Title: Meher Baba's Samadhi (1977)
Gallery: The Wine Shop

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Gouache and Water Color on Paper (22 x 33)
Collection of the Artist
Giclee Prints available 16 x 20 - $650
22 x 32 3/4 - $1100

Meher Baba's Samadhi (1977)

I used to sit in the Tomb of Avatar Meher Baba and paint from Helen Dahm's wall murals when I first came to India in 1973. In 1977, one of Meher Baba's close men disciples, Pendu, asked me to paint this painting for him and when it was finished he gave it to me as a gift and told me I should make reproductions of it. Pendu built Meher Baba's Samadhi for Him and I was inspired by Pendu's story of how he was able, through sheer will power and love, to make the structure in record time. Later in 1988, I visited a museum outside of Zurich, Switzerland where there was a large collection of Helen's work. I felt very in tune with her art because she painted the people who worked with the land and that is a kindred theme of mine.

Please contact Laurie Blum for details.